Tuesday, October 19, 2010

100% Bibical


I started off on TED looking for some type of video clip on polygamy. Though that would have been interesting, I didn't find anything. So then I just typed in religion hoping to find some sort of Video clip dealing with cults. When I did this I stumbled upon A.J Jacob's year of living biblically. I was sure it was going to be some guy preaching about what is right and wrong according to him and the bible. However, A.J turned turned out to be a writer from esquire magazine that who never really had a religion and wanted to live out the bible, following EVERY rule, for a year! To me, this story sounded extremely interesting. Therefore I am going to do my persuasive paper/ project on weather or not we can or should follow all the bibles rules.

Let me know what you think?!


  1. I have heard about this guy! I am a Christian, but I think the concept of living one year biblically would be awful! So much of the Bible must be taken for the time it was written in and I can't believe he could do something like this! There are books in the Bible that are only rules and I can't even begin to understand how one man could follow them all. My main theory on that is God taught forgiveness so we wouldn't have to be damned to hell every time we broke a rule and he'll love every single one of us no matter which rules we break.

  2. Hey Andrea. I am also a Christian, and I agree with Grace that these rules are only applicable to the time. Part of the problem with a lot of these rules is that the religious leaders made up most of the rules. What they did was take God's law and go even farther, so that if you followed their rules, you would not be breaking God's rules. Jesus Himself was not a fan of these rules, so in my mind, this thing is a little silly. However, it certainly makes for an interesting topic. God does forgive His Children, but just make sure you are not confusing God's laws from the religious leaders' laws!
