Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where to begin?!

In Class when Mr. Bevill laid out the assignment for us I thought, "That's not that bad, It's in so many parts."  I went home and did part one and my blog post.  Now I'm starting to worry a bit.  Where do I go from here?  I started part two and I guess I can finish that.  However, I feel like I really need to dig into the Research part of it but i don't really know where to begin, and/or if what I am thinking about researching is appropriate for this paper.  Hopefully class tomorrow will bring some insight to when I am suppose to be heading with my research...


  1. Oh gosh, I definitely understand where you are coming from. I feel as though once I know exactly what I would like to say, then I can go with it and accomplish the task. I'm sure if he doesn't answer your questions in class, you can go to his office hours and he'll help you!

  2. Hey Andrea. Well I am a couple of steps behind you and am as lost or probably even more lost than you. I can not find a topic that really interests me, and the talks that interest me do not bring a good topic to my head. So at least you are that far into it...I am still at step one...good luck!
