Sunday, September 26, 2010

Conflict Analysis Thoughts

The Book of Eli - Street Shootout

When thinking about what I wanted to do my paper on, I decided to go with a video clip because I wanted something that had alot of components to write about.  After reading the guidelines of the paper the first movie that popped into my head was The Book of Eli.  There are so many factors present in this flim that really seem to fit the premise of this paper.  First off you have the main point in the story, Eli (Denzel Washingtion) is on a mission with the last copy of the bible.  As well, you can add in the fact that Eli is blind, the world as everyone once new it is slowly ending, and there are fights breaking out because of it everywhere.  Therefore I believe that this sort clip would probably be a good choice for our next paper.  What do you think?


  1. This movie was awesome, but what would you argue from the clip, Im not sure what Im going to do for my paper so could you give me an example of how you are going to use this clip...

  2. For example when it comes to religion with the bible, the bad guy wants the book because he thinks he can minipulate people with it, and Eli is trying to be lead to a place where it will be safe. So there is a whole struggle there about how a bible should be used.

  3. I really enjoyed this movie a lot. Maybe we can talk Mr. Bevill into letting us watch it in class ;]

    I think your idea is really good though. You could even talk about whether or not people abuse the Bible in such ways in todays time. There are plenty of people who use Christianity and the Bible to their advantage and manipulate people to give them money, etc.

    Great idea!
