Thursday, September 16, 2010

Preaching to the Choir

Is it just me, or did every high school English teacher tell you that in college writing papers was going to be sooo much harder, and that professors were going to tear apart your paper way worse than your current teacher would?  I well I feel that it is quite the opposite!  My teachers in high school tore apart my papers!  I always left my conference feeling like they took way too much joy getting out a brand new red pen and letting it bleed globs or ink all over my paper.  Yet after my conference this week I felt calm, and for a pleasant change, I felt like I actually did something right.  Even though we haven't even turned in the paper yet, and everything could still go south, I have a feeling that the intensity to write the paper in the correct format is lessened.  At college you get this freedom to write how you want, thus giving less room for error.  So far I have enjoyed this, but one will be able to see my true reaction in my later blogs after receiving my paper. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea. Haha I completely agree. My high school English teacher killed my first drafts EVERY SINGLE TIME! I do not know if I do not feel this way in this class because I FINALLY learned from it or because it is the new freedom of college and being able to write from my own perspective and not the one type of papers we could write in high school. I do not always understand why things are so different. I was also very encouraged from my conference on this rhetorical analysis paper. I like having the freedom of writing about what I want, but sometimes it is harder for me to have free reign than be assigned. I really struggle with creativity, so it can be harder for me...for example it took me like a week and a half to choose a topic for my informative speech in my Comm. Studies class...! Hopefully, college will help me become more creative!
