Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Just a Little Confused

Alright, Can anyone explain to me why the people were being deported in the movie we have been watching in class this week?  And who were the people that attacked the car when the lead FISH women died.  Other than that I pretty much understood the movie.  For an in class movie it was pretty good.  I do think that the movie could have explained more, instead of leaving you to wonder through out the whole movie.  I am intrested to find out how Mr.Bevill is going to relate that movie to the class?!  Anyways I someone could explain that to me it would be great!

1 comment:

  1. Which people are you talking about, the ones at the beginning in the cages? Or the ones that were being pulled off of the buses at the end? The people in the cages at the beginning were being held because they were immigrants (I believe) because there were signs saying "Stop Immigration" and what not...When they were pulling people off the buses they were only pulling people off that they thought to be dangerous or suspisious, hints why Mariam (the religious lady) acted crazy so that the pregnant girl would not be looked at. Also, im like you, I thought the movie couldve had way more in it rather than just them just running away the whole time and it should have spent some time on maybe a flashback or a flashforward. No clue how it relates to English but movies are always fun topics...Hope this helped
